If Game of Thrones Characters Wore Cheap Replica Watches UK

The new season of Game of Thrones has just returned, and it’s about the most exciting thing to happen this year, to be honest. Season 7 is gonna be turnt, and I mean like Lemonade-turnt, 4:44-turnt. (I need to start hanging out more with people my own age.)

In the run up to this momentous premiere, I amused myself with a little thought experiment — videlicet, pairing Game of Thrones characters with watches. My choices all represent my interpretation of these characters, so you may not agree with all (or any!) of them. I’m not changing my mind, though, so go write your own list or something if you disagree with mine. Don’t @ me.

Arya Stark

One of my favourites. She’s stealthy, and a new kind of warrior. She was brought up in an old-school, swords-and-lances family, trained in the Braavosi religious assassin’s guild, but takes the best of both and goes her own way. She will pop up behind you and get you right in the heart before you’ve even realised what’s happening. Which is also how I feel about the MB&F Horological Machine N°4 Final Edition.

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Tyrion Lannister

Everyone loves Tyrion (except his own family, awww). He’s the antihero everyone roots for, in a show with antihero overload. He’s highly intelligent, sarcastic even to his fans, appears to be fairly low in the family hierarchy but has a formidable reputation and cachet out in the world. Also, he’s a lot tougher than he looks. He gets a Patek Philippe ref. 5522A Pilot’s Calatrava in stainless steel.

Patek Philippe replica watches UK.

Daenerys Targaryen

The dragon queen in exile, equally at home in palaces or among savages. Has rabid admirers who will do insane things for her. Kinda new at the whole ruling thing, but doing a fairly awesome job of roasting all visible opposition. The first of her name, so let’s give her something from a brand named for its founder — Richard Mille replica watches UK. It’s got to be the RM 057 Tourbillon Dragon. Bonus: it goes nicely with everything she wears, even her stupidest outfits.

Richard Mille fake watches UK.

Petyr Baelish

Oh this is a good one. The watch, I mean, not Littlefinger, because he’s generally considered to be an asshole. But hey, who said assholes can’t have nice things? Let’s face it — the global luxury economy would collapse if assholes weren’t allowed to buy nice things. Petyr Baelish is an agent of chaos; a troublemaker, if you will. People always overlook him in favour of more powerful nobles, but he will land on his feet every damn time. He’s the Jaeger-LeCoultre Master Tourbillon men’s replica watches. That watch pissed off a bunch of people when it first came out, but it also made everyone step their game up.

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